

我觸摸著我愛的人 他的臉 他的手

即使我的眼前一片黑暗 我仍感受得到...

是的 他正是我想念並且等待了12年的人...

最近完全「天使之眼」中毒症爆發 >///<

剛剛得知了韓國搜索排行榜 這部戲前幾天最高紀錄曾躍上第二名...

大發!!! (就說我的預感一向很準XD))))))

還沒開始看這部戲的人 應該還是很多~




真的是非常非常棒的一首英文情歌!!! (大心)))

多半的韓劇配樂 都是韓文歌曲居多

但導演 卻找來了瑞典知名歌手 - Lasse Lindh來演唱這首貫穿整部戲的經典之歌

Lasse Lindh的嗓音 同時具備低沉卻溫柔

「Run To You」這首歌的歌詞 雖然很簡單

但卻完美詮釋了戀人之間只需要依靠著彼此便能無所懼 成為更堅強的人...


「愛」就像夜空下的星星 是那麼的閃耀 是那樣的溫暖...



【Lasse Lindh - Run to you】


With you...

Everything seems so easy

With you...

My heartbeat has found its rhythm

With you...

I'm so close tthing's wrong

I was broken, I was wasted

Then you came like ano finding my home

With you...

I dont care if I´m a little bit crazy

Cause with you no angel in the rain

Love used to slip trough me like waters slips trough hands

But with you it changed I know, I feel I'm closer to your heart.

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can beat as one


Love used to slip trough me like water slips trough hands but no more

No more lonely nights, no more, no more

So c'mon, c'mon, hold on, hold on, hold on

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can...


I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever

Don't you know two hearts can beat as one...







    創作者 HANA 的頭像


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